Monday, July 23, 2012

Skate Park; now vs. later

Dear Erie Neighbors,

I need your input.

I support a skate park in Erie, but not under the current plan.  The method to pay for it is to use savings.  The estimated cost is $1.1 million.  I don’t think it’s in the best interest of the tax payers in Erie to be in a hurry. Instead of using our town’s savings now, it should be built along with the entire Phase II of the Erie Community Park.  However, Erie's population is not large enough to support Phase II yet. The estimated cost of the entire Phase II $6.2 million.

In order to find out what residents want, a $13,000 phone survey was conducted about a month ago. Basically, 2 questions were asked; 1) would you support a tax increase on the November ballot to build Phase II of the park, and 2) would you support a separate tax to build a new police station in Erie?

On June 26th the survey results were shared with the Board of Trustees (BOT) at the BOT meeting.  Although it was a narrow margin, the Phase II park support failed. The new police department idea passed.

With support lacking for a tax increase on Phase II of the park, to my surprise 4 Trustees voted to move forward with bids on building the $1.1 million skatepark using savings.   On Tuesday, July 24, approval of moving forward with the bids will be considered.

I think the survey results should drive the next steps for priorities and spending.  This is why we did the survey in the first place.

It’s practical to me, if any money is taken out of the savings, it should be put toward the more supported police building, thus decrease raising your taxes.   It will be harder to support a new police station knowing that savings were used for a skatepark that could have been used for the police station.

Want to share your thoughts?  One way is to speak at Public Comment at the next BOT meeting, tomorrow, Tuesday, July 24th at 6:30 pm at Town Hall.   Or send the BOT an email at

Take care,