Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Erie Air Quality Report

Dear Erie Neighbors,
In July and August 2012, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) conducted an air sampling adjacent to natural gas well completion sites in Erie.  The report of their findings is available to us now.  Pinyon Environmental, an independent environmental analysis company has prepared a report to help explain these findings from CDPHE.

The summary of the report says the risk of Erie residents of experiencing an adverse health effect over a lifetime exposure to the CDPHE reported concentrations of the gases discussed in this report is low. This sampling does not compare air qualities to neighboring towns, such as Lafayette and Louisville.  Instead, it provides some specific data about the air around two gas well sites in Erie, one of which is near Red Hawk Elementary.

I am glad this study was done as it meets a goal of addressing the interests of the community to learn more about the air quality in Erie.  Although done over only a 2 month period, it specifically measured air at a breathable distances from the ground, which I find applicable and reassuring.

There will be an overview of the report provided by an analyst from Pinyon Environmental, at the next Board of Trustee meeting, Tuesday night, February 12, 2013.  The meeting begins at 6:30 pm, at Town Hall.  If you have a question, please email me and I will try to ask it during the brief Q &A, in which the board members can ask the presenter.  You are always welcome to ask questions, or make comments yourself during public comment, at the start of the meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can watch it on Channel 8 or see it online at

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. "The risk of Erie residents of experiencing an adverse health effect over a lifetime exposure to the CDPHE reported concentrations of the gases discussed in this report is low". That's good I suppose. But low is not the same as non existent. But still, good news overall. Thanks Janice.
